• +977-1-4591414

  • Mid-Baneshwor, Kathmandu


A workshop to reenergize and recharge employees for exceptional sales result.



A workshop to reenergize and recharge employees for exceptional sales result.


Employee Motivation is becoming ever more important in the workplace as time goes on, and everyone agrees that a motivated workforce is far more likely to be a successful workforce. The happier and more professional an employee is, the better the results they will deliver for you. Of course, every employer wants to make sure that they have a workforce who will do their best, but this does not simply mean making the job easy for their employees. In fact, part of the problem of motivation is that where the job is too easy, employees become complacent. There is therefore a challenge for all employers and management in delivering the right balance between a confident, motivated workforce and a workforce which is driven to attain goals. It can be described as a mix between the pleasure of a comfortable working environment and the fear of failure, although in honesty it is more complicated than that equation suggests. Regardless of how it is characterized, it is important to get the right balance in order to ensure that you have a motivated workforce. This workshop is designed to reenergize the workforce for their active engagement at workplace thereby resulting to increase sales.

Workshop Coverage:
  • Positive thoughts for positive mentality resulting to exceptional business
  • Bringing the BEST attitude within you
  • Exploring within to fly high.
  • Developing Likability through Personality flexing.
  • Increasing sales conversion through Effective Communication.
  • Setting Priorities for success; understanding how we get most of our time.
  • Connecting the dots; Creating interest & love for your work.

Target Audience:

Support Staff

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